Call Us Today: 01 430 4531

Rules and Regulations

Information for Customers

1. Once a service is booked, a confirmation email will be sent to the customer. Regardless of the service type, an invoice will always be sent to the customer via email after the job is completed.

2. At the time when a cleaner arrives customers should have their equipment (Hoover, bucket, mop, clean cleaning cloths.) and solutions for cleaning ready as Easy Routine does not provide customers with any equipment or any other cleaning supplies. It is up to the customer to decide what range of equipment or supplies will be required for their house for cleaning.

3. Customers should provide instructions on what are the mains tasks that are to be done when cleaner comes in. Alternatively, you can leave a list of instructions or tasks to our office through phone or E-mail and we will pass it to our cleaners.

4. It is important to keep in mind that cleaners are paid by time, when the amount of booked time is over cleaners are not to work any extra time as the amount of allocated time is limited. Therefore, cleaners should be provided with instructions on what are the main tasks that have to be carried out first and to provide them with information on what work is less important and could be left undone in case if there will not be enough time.

5. For the best quality of service and for avoiding of any damage of personal items – Please do not overflow them with too many tasks. As rushing does not mean that the work will be more effective or qualitative. Different tasks require different and specific amount of time for them to be done.
For example:

*Main Bathroom (Bath, Shower, Toilet, Sink, Floor, mirrors, shelves) – takes around 35-40mins.
*Main Bathroom (Bath, Toilet, Sink, Mirrors, Shelves, Floor) – Takes around 25-30mins.
*Bathroom (Shower, Toilet, Sink, Mirrors, Shelves, Floor) – Takes around 25-30mins.
*Small Bathroom (Sink, Toilet, Mirror) – Takes around 15-20min.
*Kitchen, Dining Room, Hall, Living Room – On average around 1.5 hours.
*Kitchen, Hall, office, sunroom or any other additional rooms – 2 hours or 2.5 hours.

6. In order to maintain safety for the cleaner and avoiding of any unwanted damage to your floor or furniture they are not to move any excessively heavy objects. In case if customer asks the cleaner to do that and cleaner aggress this will be under customer’s responsibility.

7. In order to avoid any damage to items in the house we are asking all our customers to keep their valuables or any very fragile things away. Alternatively, a customer can provide certain instructions to the cleaner on what items they should be careful with. Our cleaners will be as careful as possible but by moving of many small things and objects during cleaning accidents can happen.

8. Customers should treat cleaners with dignity and respect at all times just the same way our cleaners are required to do. If for any reason a customer does not like a specific cleaner they can contact us and we will try to find a replacement until our customer will find a suitable cleaner, which will meet their criteria and needs.

9. In case if a cleaner will not be able to come to a customer’s house we will try to find another one for the day.

10. In case if a customer is dissatisfied with our service we might propose a refund or one free cleaning.

Call Us Today 01 430 4531

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